Veteran actor Rajinikanth took to Twitter on Thursday and posted an image with the legendary cricket participant Kapil Dev from the units of his upcoming Tamil movie Laal Salaam.
Sharing the image with Kapil Dev, Rajinikanth wrote, “It is my honour and privilege working with the Legendary, most revered and great human being Kapildevji, who made India proud profitable for the primary time ever… Cricket World Cup.”
It is my honour and privilege working with the Legendary, most revered and great human being Kapildevji., who made India proud profitable for the primary time ever..Cricket World Cup!!!#lalsalaam#therealkapildev
— Rajinikanth (@rajinikanth) May 18, 2023
In the image, the 2 seemed to be deeply engaged in dialog. Rajinikanth wore an all-white outfit, which seems to be part of his character, whereas Kapil Dev wore a white polo t-shirt and gray trousers.
Laal Salaam is directed by Rajinikanth’s daughter Aishwarya Rajinikanth who’s returning to filmmaking after a niche of seven years. The movie is reportedly set to be set in opposition to the backdrop of cricket and communism. It stars Vishnu Vishal and Vikrant within the lead roles.
Last week, the makers of the movie launched the first-look poster of Rajinikanth’s character. The poster was launched on Twitter together with a tweet that learn, “Everyone’s favorite BHAI is again in Mumbai. Make method for #Thalaivar Superstar #Rajinikanth as #MoideenBhai in #LalSalaam.”