Anant Ambani lately celebrated his twenty ninth birthday in Jamnagar, attended by Salman Khan, B Praak, Orry, Shikhar Pahariya, and extra. During the pre-birthday celebrations, Salman Khan and B Praak took the stage, teamed up for a duet, and sang Saari Duniya Jala Denge from the movie Animal.
B Praak shared the identical on his social media and wrote, “It was pure blessings to carry out for you in your birthday #anantambani Sir. God bless you, you’re a gem of an individual and @beingsalmankhan sir, thanks for having me and treating me like household at all times.”
 In the publish shared by the singer, the primary image was of him with Anant Ambani, the second slide confirmed him and Salman Khan performing, and within the third slide, he sings Happy Birthday. Earlier this yr, Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant had hosted their pre-wedding festivities in Jamnagar, attended by the who’s who of Bollywood and that includes a efficiency by Rihanna.