On Thursday, Suhana took to Instagram and shared some photos from her Paris journey. The photos featured her in numerous outfits, together with a gray sweater with black leggings and a brown sling bag, a sleeveless beige polo neck high and sun shades whereas having fun with espresso at a restaurant. In one other snap, she was seen sporting a white robe with the illuminated Eiffel Tower within the background.
The assortment additionally includes a mirror selfie of Suhana sporting a white polo-neck high, an identical skirt, and a brown overcoat. Additionally, the put up consists of images of common vacationer sights within the metropolis, in addition to Ananya Panday’s stroll at Paris Couture Week. Sharing the images, Suhana wrote, “Paris within the rain (white coronary heart emoji).”
Check out the images right here: