Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 director James Gunn has acquired the People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals’ (PETA) Not A Number award for his portrayal of animal testing cruelty in his newest Marvel movie.
- READ MORE: ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.3 overview: an oddly darkish goodbye for Marvel’s funniest gang
Announced yesterday (May 8) through the official PETA web site, the organisation wrote that Gunn was being honoured with the award for “showing audiences that Rocket Raccoon’s origin story isn’t out of Knowhere — cruel, callous, and cold-blooded experiments on animals are real, and they’re happening right now.”
Portions of the movie, which follows Rocket’s (voiced by Bradley Cooper) previous as a check topic the place he was tortured by way of a number of experiments.
PETA’s Senior Vice President Lisa Lange wrote in a press release: “Through Rocket, James Gunn has put a face, a name, and a personality on the millions of vulnerable animals being cycled through laboratories as we speak. PETA is celebrating this as the best animal rights film of the year for helping audiences see animas as individuals and suggesting that just because we can experiment on them doesn’t mean we should”.
In a three star overview of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, NME wrote: “This is definitely one film made for the fans. If you’ve been paying close enough attention to clearly remember Peter’s last minutes on Earth, why Gamora is here despite dying, and when a talking dog joined the group, you will probably get more from this than the casual fan.”
“The less dedicated viewer should be reasonably entertained, although maybe wish for the days when the laughs outnumbered the tears.”