Swara Bhasker and Fahad Ahmad celebrated their marriage with a second reception on Sunday at his household’s house following her vidai, which preceded the prolonged celebrations in Delhi. The majority of these current had been his buddies. Swara was wearing a beige lehenga by Pakistani designer Ali Xeeshan and stole the present with an enormous nostril ring and matha patti. She was joined by Fahad, who was wearing a white sherwani, a white and gold dupatta, and a golden kurta.
A number of photos from the marriage reception had been posted by Samajwadi Party chief Suhaib Ansari on Twitter. Sharing the images, he wrote, “Many congratulations, Fahad bhai and Swara Ji. Wishing you a blessed and joyful life forward.”
Last month, Swara took to Instagram to share that she has discovered love in Fahad. “Sometimes you search far & extensive for one thing that was proper subsequent to you all alongside. We had been on the lookout for love, however we discovered friendship first. And then we discovered one another! Welcome to my coronary heart @FahadZirarAhmad It’s chaotic however it’s yours!” she had captioned her publish. The couple tied the knot by way of marriage registration below the Special Marriage Act.
See Also: Swara Bhasker shares an lovable video encapsulating her love story with husband Fahad Ahmad