BEEF follows the aftermath of a highway rage incident between two strangers. Danny Cho (Steven Yeun), a failing contractor with a chip on his shoulder, goes head-to-head with Amy Lau (Ali Wong), a self-made entrepreneur with a picturesque life. The rising stakes of their feud unravel their lives and relationships on this darkly comedic and deeply transferring collection.
Premiere Date: April 6, 2023
Format: 10-episode; 30-minute Dark Comedy
About BEEF
Creator/Showrunner/Executive Producer: Lee Sung Jin (Dave, Silicon Valley)
Star/Executive Producer: Steven Yeun (Minari, Nope, Burning) producing via his firm Universal Remote
Star/Executive Producer: Ali Wong (Always Be My Maybe, Baby Cobra, Hard Knock Wife, Tuca & Bertie; Author of the New York Times bestseller “Dear Girls”)
Executive Producer/Director: Jake Schreier
Starring: Steven Yeun (Danny) & Ali Wong (Amy), Joseph Lee (George), Young Mazino (Paul), David Choe (Isaac), Patti Yasutake (Fumi)
Recurring Cast: Maria Bello (Jordan Forster), Ashley Park (Naomi), Justin H. Min, Mia Serafino, Remy Holt (Junie)
Directors: Jake Schreier (102, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109), HIKARI (101, 104, 105), Lee Sung Jin (110)
Studio: A24