The 2023 Oscars pink carpet was filled with superstar {couples} displaying PDA, and Taika Waititi and Rita Ora stored the love going on the Vanity Fair afterparty. Following the Academy Awards on March 12, Ora and Waititi, who confirmed the information of their marriage in January, walked the carpet hand-in-hand. In between snaps of the couple wanting like award-show royalty, Waititi and Ora leaned in to share a romantic kiss.
As the couple posed for the cameras, they could not preserve their eyes off one another. Feeling affectionate, Waititi adopted their candy peck on the lips with kisses on both facet of Ora’s cheeks. During one kiss, Ora put her hand on her hip and playfully rolled her eyes at her husband’s romantic conduct. When they weren’t staring into one another’s eyes and exchanging kisses, Waititi and Ora did their greatest to seem critical. In true kind, nonetheless, Waititi struck some attention-grabbing poses that made Ora snicker.
Before they managed to slide away from the pink carpet, Ora stepped apart for some solo pictures in her white cutout corset robe harking back to a marriage gown. As she stood on her mark, Waititi was close by admiring his spouse.
Ora and Waititi first went public with their relationship in April 2021. The pair have made few red-carpet appearances collectively, preferring to maintain their relationship out of the highlight. With their honeymoon part nonetheless in full swing although, it is good to see the couple having fun with date night time.