Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra tied the knot in Jaisalmer on February 7. After their fairytale marriage ceremony, the 2 departed for Delhi the place they held their first marriage ceremony reception. While photos from the reception are usually not out, a couple of glimpses from their time within the metropolis have emerged.
In a set of now-viral photos, the newlyweds might be seen posing in informal seems. While Kiara Advani seemed pretty in a white and pink salwar swimsuit, Sidharth Malhotra might be seen in a pink sweatshirt and denims.
Check it out right here:
So far, Sidharth and Kiara have not shared any clicks from their pre-wedding festivities and their reception in Delhi.
On Friday, the 2 took to social media to share a marriage video. In it, Kiara and Sidharth might be seen dancing and kissing at their marriage ceremony ceremony. The clip has taken over the web.Â
The newlyweds will reportedly maintain a reception in Mumbai on February 12. The guestlist is predicted to be filled with Bollywood celebs together with Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and extra.