On Thursday, actor-director Rishab Shetty and co-star Sapthami Gowda went to the Bhoota Kola Festival, a yearly dance competition held in rural Karnataka to honour native spirits and deities. After Rishab’s horror-thriller film, which was based mostly on the dance ritual, turned a smash hit, the competition gained notoriety. The manufacturing firm behind Kantara, Hombale Films, posted a video of Rishab and Sapthami Gowda attending the competition. “You give up to the character & worship the God, who has bestowed you with such success and freedom in life. #Kantara workforce witnessed the divine in actual kind & took the blessings of Daiva!”
The movie Kantara, which was launched on September 30 in Kannada, had a shock success the earlier 12 months. The film made 400 crore worldwide after being launched in Hindi on October 30.