Djent Is Not A Genre’

Djent Is Not A Genre’

Periphery have formally introduced their fifth self-titled album (and seventh album total), ‘Periphery V: Djent Is Not A Genre’, poking enjoyable on the prog-metal motion they helped pioneer.

The follow-up to 2019’s ‘Periphery IV: Hail Stan’ is primed for launch on March 10 by way of the band’s personal label, 3DOT Recordings. Like most of their information, it was self-produced by Periphery; in a press release, guitarist Mark Holcomb stated of the hassle: “We spent extra time on ‘Periphery V’ than every other launch in our historical past. We challenged and pushed ourselves tougher, and alongside the way in which we grew even nearer as a band.

“We are so proud of the final results! I also wanted to mention how exceedingly grateful we are to our fans for being so patient in waiting for this record. We wanted to show our appreciation by giving you two songs today instead of one. We have a very busy 2023 and 2024 planned so we’ll see you on the road!”

Echoing the sentiment was co-guitarist Misha “Bulb” Mansoor, who added: “I’m really proud of the material and it was certainly a labour of love and a tough album to make. The feeling that we were going to have to give up because it kept taking so long was so overwhelming at times, that to not just overcome it, but to feel so proud of this album has really galvanised us as a band in a way that I don’t think any other experience could have.”

To coincide with the information, Periphery have shared two singles from the album: ‘Wildfire’ (which includes a saxophone solo from Norwegian stalwart Jørgen Munkeby) and ‘Zagerus’. You can test each out under, adopted by the album’s cowl and tracklisting. Pre-orders, too, can be found right here.


1. ‘Wildfire’
2. ‘Atropos’
3. ‘Wax Wings’
4. ‘Everything Is Fine!’
5. ‘Silhouette’
6. ‘Dying Star’
7. ‘Zagreus’
8. ‘Dracul Gras’
9. ‘Thanks Nobuo’


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