On Thursday, the famous person Rajinikanth visited the Ameen Peer Dargah and the Tirupati temple to ask for blessings. According to sources, the Tamil famous person took his daughter Aishwaryaa to the Tirupati temple early on Thursday morning. The actor and composer AR Rahman visited the Ameen Dargah in Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh after doing morning service on the well-known Hindu temple.
Along with Aishwaryaa, he arrived at Tirupati on Wednesday night and took half within the puja on Thursday morning. Pictures of Rajinikanth and Aishwarya at “suprabhatam seva,” the daybreak service the place hymns are sung as a ritual to awaken the Lord, have gotten fairly widespread on-line. Later, at Ranganayakula Mandapam, they got Veda Ashirvachanam.
Rajinikanth was seen in a kurta, sporting a beard, as a part of his look from his upcoming movie Jailer.