Kedarnath, starring Sushant Singh Rajput, was one of the crucial cherished motion pictures. With this film, Sara Ali Khan, the daughter of Saif Ali Khan, made her important Bollywood debut in 2018. On December 7, 2021, the Abhishek Kapoor-directed film was launched, and at this time, because it has been 4 years, the director posted some nostalgic photos from the set on social media. In addition, he expressed his gratitude for Sushant Singh Rajput, who handed away in 2020, for being part of the movie.
He shared photos of himself with Sushant and Sara, and captioned the submit, “It’s the all consuming drive to inform a narrative that offers one the power to undergo unimaginable hardships and a perception that the story MUST be informed. I’m endlessly grateful to the powers above that gave me the chance to ship #kedarnath. #jaibholenath.”
Many individuals from the trade confirmed their love on the submit, together with Ayushmann Khurrana who dropped a pink coronary heart emoji.