On Thursday, Aamir Khan was seen on the Mumbai airport. The actor was joined by his ex-wife Kiran Rao and son Azad Rao Khan. For his airport look, Aamir opted for an off-the-cuff all-black outfit comprising a t-shirt and comfortable pants. He wore glasses and was clicked sporting his new grey-haired look.
Aamir smiled and posed with Kiran and Azad for the paparazzi. To word, the actor was final seen in Laal Singh Chaddha, the official Hindi-language adaptation of Tom Hanks-starrer Forrest Gump. More not too long ago, Aamir stunned followers as he introduced a hiatus from appearing and stepped down from his subsequent movie Champions as an actor. However, he’s nonetheless on board as a producer.
Check out Aamir Khan’s pictures right here: