Priyanka Chopra, lastly returned to India after 3 years after back-to-back promotional occasions, for the launch of her haircare line. And after all it comes as no shock that nothing feels the identical as residence, and Priyanka felt the identical method. Post the wrapping of her promotional schedule she took to her social media, to share an emotional observe. “And it’s a wrap on Mumbai! Ghar ki baat hello alag hai! There actually is nothing like coming residence,” stated PC.
“These last couple of days, I’ve been so moved by all the love & support that has been shown to me. I can honestly say if it weren’t for all of you that showed up and my team, I don’t know where I’d be!” continued the caption. She stated her goodbyes to her residence as she stated, “So thank YOU and @mynykaa for turning my dream into a reality! Can’t wait to be back!! So Until we meet again… alvida.”
She ended the observe in a grateful observe by mentioning that her model was already within the high 10 on the sweetness portal, Nykaa. She congratulated her staff for a similar! We cannot wait to see her model obtain new heights, and are rooting for our “Desi Girl.”