Deepika Padukone has been one actress who has continuously scaled up along with her alternative of movies. The actress is ready to entertain audiences with some thrilling motion sequences in Pathaan which is releasing on January 25, 2023. According to the newest particulars revealed by the makers, Deepika who performs a spy within the movie might be seen dealing with a gatling gun and she or he does it like a professional.
Siddharth Anand added to the identical by saying, “There is nothing more cool or sexy than a woman wielding a powerful weapon on screen. As a film buff, I have always loved women doing sick action sequences and so, when we got Deepika Padukone in Pathaan, we wanted to present her in her most badass self – a gorgeous, gun-toting, femme fatale spy that people have never seen before!”
Furthermore, he stated, “In one of the action sequences of Pathaan, Deepika wields the Gattling gun and you have to see the sequence to believe how legit she is as a bonafide action superstar! She steals the show in this scene and I’m sure people will cheer the loudest for her every time she does action in Pathaan.”
Such features solely proceed to extend the craze across the movie with such a stellar solid.