Radhika Merchant, Anant Ambani’s engagement occasion is at present underway in Mumbai. The duo are set to tie the knot quickly. Several Bollywood celebrities together with Shah Rukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and others have been clicked arriving for the celebrations. Now, Katrina Kaif, Sara Ali Khan and Varun Dhawan-Natasha Dalal have additionally arrived on the bash.
Katrina Kaif was a imaginative and prescient in white as she arrived in a surprising ethnic jacket swimsuit. The actress paired the look with white earrings and appeared as pretty as ever. Sara Ali Khan additionally opted for a white embellished ensemble. The actress appeared beautiful as she smiled and posed for the digicam.
Meanwhile, Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal have been clicked in black and white ensembles respectively. They have been holding arms just like the lovebirds they’re.
Check out the pictures right here: