Maxene Magalona admits getting ‘triggered’ sans yoga, meditation

Maxene Magalona admits getting ‘triggered’ sans yoga, meditation

Maxene Magalona admits getting ‘triggered’ sans yoga, meditation
Image: Instagram/@maxenemagalona

Without going into particulars, actress and yoga practitioner Maxene Magalona says that she is slowly however absolutely within the strategy of therapeutic after not too long ago shedding her cool and getting carried away which made her remorse doing sure issues.

On Instagram, Magalona expressed how sorry she was with what she shared on her Instagram submit yesterday, November 17. Many speculated that it needed to do with allegations linking her anew to ex-boyfriend Neil Arce, husband of actress Angel Locsin.

In that submit, Magalona stated: “There is no ex I want back, no one from my past I want back and that includes friendships. Thanks for the lessons but I’m good now.”

But in her new submit, Magalona appeared to have calmed down and acknowledged her ’embarrassing episode’ the place she acquired triggered by allegations.

“Damn. Just when I thought I was ‘getting healed,’ I go and have another embarrassing episode where I overthink + overreact out of nowhere,” she stated. “This is why we should NEVER get ahead of ourselves in our healing journey. It is a slow and syrupy process that requires a lot of patience, self-awareness and self-compassion.”


She chalked her ‘overreaction’ to lack of yoga follow amid her busy schedule to her current transfer into her new place from the house that she shared with ex-husband, mannequin Rob Mananquil.

“This is also why we really need to be consistent with our routines and rituals because having a daily spiritual practice can really help us keep ourselves as centered and balanced as possible,” she stated.

“My mind and body have been holding on to a lot of excess energy that needs to be released if I want to keep myself in alignment,” she famous.

Although feeling sorry, Maxene isn’t about to balk away from the problem of constructing one other mistake as she is “getting back up after another fall which is totally fine with me.”

And whereas she feels failing makes her really feel like she’s a failure, she adamantly feels the isn’t.

“I make mistakes but I am NOT a mistake. I completely understand that I am only human and that I will make mistakes one way or another in this lifetime. I just have to be patient with myself and rest in the knowing that I’m always trying and doing my best. That will always be enough to me because I know that I am enough,” she stated. EDV




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