On Wednesday, a number of Bollywood celebrities have been seen out and about within the metropolis. Earlier as we speak, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli who usually serve couple objectives have been seen on the Mumbai airport collectively. For their travels, the 2 opted for comfortable casuals. Anushka was clicked in a white sweatshirt and black pants accessorised with a bucket hat whereas Virat additionally wrote a white t-shirt and black pants mixture. The two smiled and posed for the paps.
Shahid Kapoor was seen wanting dapper in a printed shirt and black shades in Mumbai’s Bandra space. The actor was clicked stepping out of his automobile. He flashed a smile for the paparazzi. Elsewhere, Malaika Arora and Janhvi Kapoor have been clicked in stylish exercise ensembles at their respective gyms.
Check out the photographs right here: