On Monday, a number of celebrities have been seen out and about city. Karisma Kapoor was snapped in a enterprise informal take a look at the Mumbai airport. For her travels, she opted for wide-legged gray pants paired with a white t-shirt and black blazer. She accessorised with a cap and black shades. Around the identical time, Aysuhmann Khurrana who’s busy selling his upcoming movie An Action Hero was snapped in an all-black off-duty take a look at the airport. He regarded dapper as he posed for the paps.
Manushi Chillar who was final seen in Samrat Prithviraj was additionally clicked on the airport. She was clicked in a classy cropped prime paired with white denim pants. She smiled on the cameras on her means into the airport. Elsewhere, the beautiful Malaika Arora was clicked in a exercise outfit at a gymnasium within the metropolis.
See the pictures right here: